Coronavirus Update: February 5, 2020

Feb 05, 2020

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, the DSEJ has suspended all classes until further notice (Latest DSEJ Update). We will receive at least one week's notice of when classes will resume. When classes resume, you can be assured that we will have the necessary preventative measures in place for all students, staff, parents, and visitors. Students and parents are not permitted on campus for everyone's safety while classes are suspended.

All teachers are providing daily, online lessons and materials for your child; it is our intention and mission to maintain quality learning under this very difficult situation. Please support to ensure your child is engaging in the lessons and completing necessary assignments and learning activities.

To be proactive and sensitive to this situation, any students who have traveled to China are to be kept at home for 14 days after their return to Macau and monitored by parents and/or caregivers for coronavirus symptoms. If symptoms appear, please seek immediate medical attention.

Thank you to all members of our community who have cooperated with measures regarding the coronavirus. This is an evolving situation, and all community members share the same goal of protecting student and community health.

因應新型冠狀病毒應對措施更新: 2月5日


誠如 閣下所知,澳門教育暨青年局已宣佈延遲開課,直至另行公佈(教青局最新公告)。正式的復課安排,將於復課前一週作出公佈。而正式復課時,學校會對全體學生、教職員、家長以及訪客採取必要的預防措施,因此無須擔憂。為保障大家的安全,停課期間學生及家長不得進入校園。

老師們會每天在網上提供學習課程之及教材,即使處於非常時期,學校仍以提供高質量的學習作為我們的目標及使命。請 貴家長務必在這段時間支持子女學習,確保他/她參與課程,完成必要的作業及學習活動。



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