TIS Macao Change in Status-Info Session

Sep 16, 2019

September 16, 2019

Dear Parents:

As you know, TIS recently applied for a change in status with the Macau Education Department (DSEJ) in order to be recognized as a licensed and authorized independent school in Macau. We are thrilled to announce that the DSEJ has given its full support and approval for this initiative which will allow TIS to operate outside of the Macau educational framework and provide greater flexibility in expanding the School’s international focus.

The change in status will come into effect for this current 2019-2020 academic year, however, we foresee no significant disruptions to the day-to-day school operations and existing protocols.

Student Subsidies: Annual subventions for Macau residents will continue to be provided as usual, as will scholarship opportunities.

Extra Curricular Activities: Student participation in DSEJ sports leagues, competitions, art programs, and other activities will not be affected and will continue as normal.

Tuition Fees: Student fees already announced for 2019-2020 will remain unchanged. The Board of Governors is sensitive to the impact on families of any fee adjustments. Moving forward, TIS will remain a non-profit school and we can assure parents that future fee adjustments will be made according to our past guiding principles.

Accountability: In addition to meeting the licensing requirements prescribed by the DSEJ, TIS will continue to be held to a high standard of accountability by Alberta Education and the Macau Government. TIS undergoes annual accreditation and accountability process that includes on-site inspections, classroom observations, interviews with parents, staff and students, as well as participation in the annual Accountability Survey and submission of the Annual Education Results Report and 3 Year Plan. Students also participate in standardized exams at grades 6, 9 and 12.

We appreciate that you may have questions about the change in status and what it means for the School. To that end, we will be hosting a Parent Information Session on Thursday, September 19 from 4:30-5:00pm in the Secondary Library to provide more details regarding the new TIS status. Please click here to RSVP.

TIS is committed to pursuing excellence in international education and we look forward to sharing more about our future plans going forward.


Mark Lockwood

Head of School

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Will parents of Macau residents still receive student subventions?

Annual subventions for Macau residents will continue to be provided as usual, as will scholarship opportunities.

1. 澳門居民學生仍享有學費津貼及書簿津貼嗎?


2) Will students be able to apply for scholarships?

Yes, the benefits for students remain unchanged. They will still be eligible to apply for scholarships.

2. 學生可以申請獎學金嗎?


3) Will students be able to attend other extracurricular activities in Macau?

Yes, the benefits for students remain unchanged. They will still be eligible to participate in other extra curricular activities in Macau.

3. 學生能參與澳門其他的課外活動嗎?


4) Will students be able to represent Macau in various activities and competitions on behalf of the Macau SAR?

Yes, the benefits for students remain unchanged. Student participation in DSEJ sports leagues, competitions, art programs, and other activities will not be affected and will continue as normal.

4. 學生仍能代表澳門特區到外地參加各類活動及比賽嗎?能代表澳門參與未來活動嗎?


5) Will there be significant tuition increases?

Student fees already announced for 2019-2020 will remain unchanged. The Board of Governors is sensitive to the impact on families due to fee adjustments. Moving forward, TIS will remain a non-profit school and we can assure parents that future fee adjustments will be made in line with to our past guiding principles.

5. 學費會大幅增加嗎?

2019-2020 年已公佈的學費將保持不變。校董會理解家長對於費用調整十分關注。展望未來, 澳門國際學校仍將是一所非盈利性學校,我們可以向家長保證,未來的費用調整將依據我們過往的指導原則進行。

6) Who will be responsible to monitor the quality at TIS?

In addition to meeting the core licensing requirements prescribed by the DSEJ, TIS will continue to be held to a high standard of accountability by Alberta Education and the Macau Government. TIS undergoes a rigorous accreditation and accountability process each year. This includes on-site inspections, classroom observations, interviews with parents, staff, and students and participation in the annual Accountability Survey and submission of the Annual Education Results Report and 3 Year Plan. Students also participate in standardized exams at grades 6, 9 and 12.

6. 誰會負責監測澳門國際學校的教育質素?



育成果報告和 3 年計劃。學生仍需參加六年級、九年級及十二年級的標準化考試。

7) Why is TIS applying to change the educational system now?

TIS is committed to pursuing excellence in international education; international-mindedness is at the core of the TIS educational philosophy and sets the School apart from other programs in the community. As a result, over the past few years, the TIS Board of Directors have been reviewing the feasibility of meeting all the requirements of the current DSEJ framework and, thereby, increasing the workload on students and staff. After careful consideration TIS is looking to further our emphasis on international education and, therefore, applied for a change in status.

7. 為什麼澳門國際學校現在申請變更學制?


8) What will happen to the inclusive students currently attending TIS?

The existing inclusive student program and services will continue to be offered to those students already enrolled in TIS.

8. 現在參與 TIS 的融合學生會被影響嗎?


9) What if I no longer want to proceed with the new student application process for the 2019/2020 school year?

TIS will refund the application fee via cheque for any parents taking this option.

9. 如果我不再想繼續新生申請流程怎麼辦?

TIS 會透過支票退還申請費用。

10) What if I wish to take my children to a local school after attending TIS?

Each school will have their own entrance requirements. Therefore, students can apply on their own as long as they meet the local school’s requirements.



11) What kind of diploma will my child receive upon graduation?

TIS will continue to offer the same diplomas as before. Students will receive a) the Canadian Alberta High School Diploma or b) the Canadian Alberta High School Diploma and the IB Diploma if they are enrolled in the latter program.

11. 我的孩子畢業後會獲得哪一類文憑?

和之前一樣, 學生將獲得加拿大阿爾伯塔省高中文憑,同時,學生有參加國際文憑 (IB)課程,也會同樣獲發文憑。

12) Does this mean TIS does not have to follow any rules and regulations in Macau?

No. In addition to meeting the licensing requirements prescribed by the DSEJ and follow local law no. 9/2006 and no. 38/93M, TIS will continue to be held to a high standard of accountability by Alberta Education and the Macau Government. TIS undergoes a rigorous accreditation and accountability process each year. This includes on-site inspections, classroom observations, interviews with parents, staff, and students and participation in the annual Accountability Survey and submission of the Annual Education Results Report and 3 Year Plan. Students also participate in standardized exams at grade 6, 9 and 12. TIS will share its quality inspection reports from Alberta Education with DSEJ.

12. 這是否意味著 TIS 不必遵守澳門的任何規章與條例?



年度教育成果報告和 3 年計劃。學生仍需參加六年級、九年級及十二年級的標準


13) Will our students be registered with DSEJ?

Our students will still be registered with DSEJ, which needs to monitor the number of students and their identifications.

13. 學生須在澳門教育暨青年局註冊嗎?


14) Will students still receive a DSEJ card that gets them privileges in Macao?

Student will continue to be issued a DSEJ student card with privileges same as in the past.

14. 學生仍會收到由澳門教育暨青年局發出的學生證及享有澳門學生的福利嗎?


15) Will TIS still have the ability to recommend students to local universities using the “Principal’s Recommendation Scheme”?

TIS students can continue to be enrolled in the “Principal’s Recommendation Scheme” and will not be required to take the Joint Admission Exam.

15. 澳門國際學校可通過“校長推薦入學計畫”將學生推薦入讀澳門本地大學嗎?


16) Will TIS have the ability to recommend students for direct admission to top Mainland universities?

TIS students will be eligible for direct admission to Mainland China post-secondary education institutions.

16. 澳門國際學校可以推薦學生直接進入中國內地優秀大學就讀嗎?


17) Will TIS students qualify for Macau Foundation Scholarships?

TIS students will continue to qualify for Macau Foundation Scholarships.

17. 澳門國際學校學生有資格獲推薦澳門基金會獎嗎?


18) Will students continue to receive the one-time Language Test Subsidy from DSEJ (ie: IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)?

TIS students will continue to receive the one-time Language Test Subsidies.

18. 學生仍然有教青局一次性的語言考試資助嗎?(如雅思、託福等)


19) Will DSEJ continue to provide programs for TIS students to study law and languages in Portugal on scholarships?

TIS students may still apply for its scholarship program ‘Study Law and Languages in Portugal’.



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