Embracing Diversity in our Chinese Classes

Dec 10, 2018

By Vicki Qi, Chinese Coordinator

At TIS, we celebrate the multicultural background and diversity of our students.  We believe that every kid deserves an opportunity to succeed.

Our Chinese programme embraces every student's diverse background, language proficiency, learning style and pace as well as readiness,. Differentiated classes, instructions, and activities made sure students fully develop their potentials based on their levels. For students who study Chinese as a first language, we encourage the use of Chinese to inquire and explore the world around them. In addition to the systematic learning from textbooks, we try to create opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of the language through leisure reading and creative writing. Communication skills are our focus for students who study Chinese as a second language. Students learn Chinese through rhymes, songs, games, role-play, books, field trips, among many other learning opportunities. Cultural understanding is an inseparable part of our curriculum. For example, students learn about Mid-Autumn Festival through handicrafts, group projects, etc, depending on their age group.

Our school is growing rapidly, so is our Chinese programme. We look forward to seeing more students excel in the Chinese language at TIS!

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